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dates: 31.12.2019 - 01.01.2020
pax: | adult: 2 | child: 0 | infant: 0
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Biankini resort village Dead Sea

Just a short drive away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you will find a place full of inspiration, imbued with philosophy of life, meaning and direct connection between man and environment. Biankini is a magical resort village on the shore of the Dead Sea; 150 meters from the shoreline offering freedom, tranquility, privacy and everlasting beauty... “Come, the desert whispers, becko ning; it whispers and sings; come, you have exhausted everything else; you are like winds in the sand, in the sand.” True freedom at the Dead Sea is here, at a place where time flows slowly in infinite calm; the magic of the desert becomes stronger the moment you open the door here... Biankini Village Resort at the Dead Sea is suited to: Those who desire a prestigious, private vacation; those who wish to rediscover intimacy, far from the madding crowd; those who want time to connect with their beloved family, those who would like to just chill out on the beach, and those who take pleasure in a soft bed. This is the place that has everything. An amazing accommodation villa, stone and wood suites, guest rooms facing the sea, a large tent encampment, restaurants, Kosher fast food, occasion halls and events gardens. Tranquility, quiet and joy. The way an occasion should be; the way a vacation should be.

check in time: 15:00check out time: 11:00

Results for Biankini resort village Dead Sea

Check In: Tuesday - 31.12.2019, Check Out: Wednesday - 01.01.2020
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